
Ο Karatheodoris μετά από μια μικρή έρευνα, σας παρουσιάζει την αδιαφορία των αρμόδιων αρχών, τόσο της Ομοσπονδίας του αθλήματος όσο και της γενικής γραμματείας Αθλητισμού.
Συγκεκριμένα, στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Aikinto εμφανίζονται ως μέλος τα Σκόπια, με τη συνταγματική τους ονομασία (Republic of Macedonia). Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία, ήδη από τον Απρίλιο του 2007 καλωσόριζε στις τάξεις της την "Μακεδονία".
Και ενώ θα περίμενε κανείς κάποια αντίδραση από την Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία, η "Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας" λαμβάνει μέρος, τον περασμένο Μάρτιο, στο Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα στο Ελσίνκι , σ' ένα πρωτάθλημα που συμμετέχει και η χώρα μας (βλέπε στο Pool 8).
Όμως κάποιοι άλλοι αντιδρούν! Σύντομα θα έχουμε εξελίξεις. Περιμένουμε εξηγήσεις!
Update: Μετά από επικοινωνία που είχαμε με τον πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής Ομοσπονδίας, διαπιστώσαμε πως παρά τις αλλεπάλληλες δικές του παρεμβάσεις, δεν άλλαξε κάτι στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία. Παρόλα αυτά, στον αγώνα που αναφέραμε, η Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία εκανε τα
Σε επικοινωνία πάντως που είχαμε με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία, μας απάντησαν:
Dear Mr. Karatheodoris,
Thank you for your mail.
The EKF is a private association of private national amateur sports organisations and has neither the means nor the intention to interfere in national or international politics in any way whatsoever. The name issue of our member Macedonia was indeed discussed in the General Assembly upon the respective intervention by the Representative of Greece. However, for our
use among members and their members, naturally abbreviated forms -consistent with international practice - of the official names are used, and this has so far not caused any problems, e.g. neither with the "United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (named great Britain) nor with the "Federal Republic of Germany" (named Germany) or the "Hellenic Republic" (named Greece), to name a few examples.
Additionally, also the UN in the document provided dating from 1993 (!) does not use abbreviations as suggested by your mail. The Austrian Foreign Ministry - you may know that I am Austrian - uses "MACEDONIA" without further comment (see attachment). In general, international practice seems quite inconsistent, obviously more countries just use "Macedonia" than any other form (see attachment from Wikipedia, with a long list on pages 12-14).
So at best this is an open issue or discussion, in which we do not take any position.
Again, this is not and should not be construed as any kind of political statement, as this is far away from the objects of our Federation, which is only interested in the promotion of Kendo, Iaido and Jodo to the benefit of all practitioners of this traditional disciplines.
I hope this finally clarifies the position.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Best Regards
Dieter Hauck, Treasurer
European Kendo Federation
Είναι φανερή η αδιαλλαξία τους και η λάθος οπτική τους γωνία. Γι' αυτό και τους απαντήσαμε καταλλήλως:
Dear Mr Hauck,
Thank you for your diplomatic reply. You made your points, but I still have some complaints about your attitude towards this matter. I would be pleased if you reconsider your position and act with accuracy.
I understand that you want to protect your Federation from political disputes but it would be more fair if you supported your old member, Greece. You said, that more countries recognize them by its constitutional name. But as I know, we talk about European Federation and not about Nauru or Saint Lucia.
If you visit European Union's pages (that Austria is member since 1995) you will find out that they use "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". France, Germany and so others members of E.U. use it also. Some others, use it sorted (F.Y.R.O.M.). You should also take notice that all countries, regardless of their position, have agreed
that they will use whichever name results from the UN compromise talks.
Until both countries find a solution, I recommend to use in your site the name
F.Y.R.O.M. (all your members know which country is) or F.Y.R.O.Macedonia, in order to
be accurate and fair to both sides. Thank you for your time spent. I hope that your
Federation will do the best in order to be fair and accurate.
* I attach you a photo of Kendo games where F.Y.R.O.M. uses
its accurate abbreviation. I also rewrite the list of the countries that follow
United Nations, and the list of International Organizations (like International Olympic Commitee) that use the reference "F.Y.R.O.M."
With respect
G. Karatheodoris
Εμείς κάναμε από την πλευρά μας ο,τι μπορούσαμε. Το ίδιο και η Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία.
Thank you for your mail.
The EKF is a private association of private national amateur sports organisations and has neither the means nor the intention to interfere in national or international politics in any way whatsoever. The name issue of our member Macedonia was indeed discussed in the General Assembly upon the respective intervention by the Representative of Greece. However, for our
use among members and their members, naturally abbreviated forms -consistent with international practice - of the official names are used, and this has so far not caused any problems, e.g. neither with the "United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (named great Britain) nor with the "Federal Republic of Germany" (named Germany) or the "Hellenic Republic" (named Greece), to name a few examples.
Additionally, also the UN in the document provided dating from 1993 (!) does not use abbreviations as suggested by your mail. The Austrian Foreign Ministry - you may know that I am Austrian - uses "MACEDONIA" without further comment (see attachment). In general, international practice seems quite inconsistent, obviously more countries just use "Macedonia" than any other form (see attachment from Wikipedia, with a long list on pages 12-14).
So at best this is an open issue or discussion, in which we do not take any position.
Again, this is not and should not be construed as any kind of political statement, as this is far away from the objects of our Federation, which is only interested in the promotion of Kendo, Iaido and Jodo to the benefit of all practitioners of this traditional disciplines.
I hope this finally clarifies the position.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Best Regards
Dieter Hauck, Treasurer
European Kendo Federation
Είναι φανερή η αδιαλλαξία τους και η λάθος οπτική τους γωνία. Γι' αυτό και τους απαντήσαμε καταλλήλως:
Dear Mr Hauck,
Thank you for your diplomatic reply. You made your points, but I still have some complaints about your attitude towards this matter. I would be pleased if you reconsider your position and act with accuracy.
I understand that you want to protect your Federation from political disputes but it would be more fair if you supported your old member, Greece. You said, that more countries recognize them by its constitutional name. But as I know, we talk about European Federation and not about Nauru or Saint Lucia.
If you visit European Union's pages (that Austria is member since 1995) you will find out that they use "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". France, Germany and so others members of E.U. use it also. Some others, use it sorted (F.Y.R.O.M.). You should also take notice that all countries, regardless of their position, have agreed
that they will use whichever name results from the UN compromise talks.
Until both countries find a solution, I recommend to use in your site the name
F.Y.R.O.M. (all your members know which country is) or F.Y.R.O.Macedonia, in order to
be accurate and fair to both sides. Thank you for your time spent. I hope that your
Federation will do the best in order to be fair and accurate.
* I attach you a photo of Kendo games where F.Y.R.O.M. uses
its accurate abbreviation. I also rewrite the list of the countries that follow
United Nations, and the list of International Organizations (like International Olympic Commitee) that use the reference "F.Y.R.O.M."
With respect
G. Karatheodoris
Εμείς κάναμε από την πλευρά μας ο,τι μπορούσαμε. Το ίδιο και η Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία.
7 σχόλια:
Έστειλά στο http://www.ekf-eu.com/ekf.htm με επιλογή Contact(μπορείτε εναλλακτικά & στο secretary@ekf-eu.com ή στο info@ekf-eu.com)την ακόλουθη επιστολή:
"We regret to inform you that there is no country with the name "Macedonia" as you mention in your site.The exact UN acknowledged name is Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). As a result, there is no use of the adjective Macedonian for the abovementioned country but Former Yugoslav Macedonian.We are deeply disappointed with this misinformation and we expect you to correct this terrible mistake, which is a history forgery, the soonest.
Έστειλά στο info@ekc2008.fi με κοινοποίηση στα pressof3@mfa.gr, a03@mfa.gr, daphne@mfa.gr την ακόλουθη επιστολή:
"We regret to inform you that there is no country with the name "Macedonia" as you mention in your site.The exact UN acknowledged name is Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). We are deeply disappointed with this misinformation and we expect you to correct this terrible mistake, which is a history forgery, the soonest.
Θέμα της άνωθεν επιστολής είναι η ιστοσελίδα http://ekc2008.com/competition/results_men_team.html
Έστειλά στο kendo_hellas@yahoo.com με κοινοποίηση στα pressof3@mfa.gr, a03@mfa.gr, daphne@mfa.gr & θέμα http://www.ekf-eu.com/ekf.htm & http://ekc2008.com/competition/results_men_team.html την ακόλουθη επιστολή:
Έκπληκτος παρατήρησα στις άνωθεν ιστοσελίδες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Kendo στης οποία είστε μέλος να αναγράφεται η Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας (ΠΓΔΜ)ως Μακεδονία τη στιγμή που η Ελλάδα δεν την αναγνωρίζει με το συνταγματικό της όνομα.Μήπως το γεγονός ότι οι τέχνες που εξασκείτε είναι ξένες,σημαίνει ότι χαλαρά θα απεμπολίσουμε ως χώρα την ιστορία μας μόνο & μόνο για να συμμετέχουμε σε Ευρωπαϊκές οργανώσεις & να κάνουμε επ'ευκαιρίας ταξίδια στο εξωτερικό;Δηλώνω δε ότι θα εκθέσω δημόσια αυτή την επιστολή &
κάθε πράξη ή παράλειψη της Ελληνικής Ομοσπονδίας KENDO IAIDO NAGINATA (E.O.K.I.N.)όσον αφορά το ζήτημα αυτό."
Έλαβα από το d.hauck@aon.at την ακόλουθη απάντηση στις επιστολές που τους έστειλα (βλ.ανωτέρω σχόλια):
Thank you for your mail.
The EKF is a private association of private national amateur sports
organisations and has neither the means nor the intention to interfere in
national or international politics in any way whatsoever. The name issue of
our member Macedonia was indeed discussed in the General Assembly upon the
respective intervention by the Representative of Greece. However, for our
use among members and their members, naturally abbreviated forms -
consistent with international practice - of the official names are used, and
this has so far not caused any problems, e.g. neither with the "United
Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (named Great Britain) nor
with the "Federal Republic of Germany" (named Germany) or indeed the
"Hellenic Republic" (named Greece), to name a few examples.
The Austrian Foreign Ministry - you may know that I am Austrian - uses
"MACEDONIA" without further comment (see attachment). In general,
international practice seems quite inconsistent, obviously more countries
just use "Macedonia" than any other form (see attachment from Wikipedia,
with a long list on pages 12-14). So at best this is an open political issue
or discussion, in which we do not take any position.
Again, this is not and should not be construed as any kind of political
statement, as this is far away from the objects of our Federation, which is
only interested in the promotion of Kendo, Iaido and Jodo to the benefit of
all practitioners of this traditional disciplines.
I hope this finally clarifies the position.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Best Regards
Dieter Hauck, Treasurer
European Kendo Federation
Markfeldgasse 4/5 A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria
Fax: +431 535 56 86
email: mailto:treasurer@ekf-eu.com
Απάντησα στην άνωθεν επιστολή που έλαβα από το d.hauck@aon.at με κοινοποίηση στα info@ekf-eu.com, president@ekf-eu.com, vice-president@ekf-eu.com, secretary@ekf-eu.com με θέμα NAME DISPUTE ως εξής:
Thanks for your answer,
but I know the story a little bit different.I was informed from kendo_hellas@yahoo.com that EKF recognised the team from FYROM as FYROM during the general council of the european federation in Lisboa on 23rd April 2007 & this is written in the minutes.Afterwards,the EKF present this team as Macedonia in the site even if the Hellenic Federation has protested 8 times for this reason & the European federation has promised that it is going to correct this mistake.
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